Vendredi V - Winter is The Awesome! Edition

 Friday, March 11, 2011

Man, Winter just won't go gentle into that good night, eh? Well, I promised I wouldn't complain. So let's reverse psychology this thing:

Top 5 Things I Luuuuurve About Winter (Director's Extended Cut):

1. I get to use my parka for longer!

This year I splurged and bought myself a new parka:

Previously, my options were a dressy 3/4 length coat (nice enough, but not very warm) and The Parka (she of the military issue, complete with instructions about pulling the lower drawstring closed when parajumping). I needed something in the middle; something warm yet stylish (as in "Midwestern Stylish" not "Vogue").

And, with an extended winter, my cost per use goes down! Win for the Mennonite!

2. Ditto for my winter tires.

I bought new winter tires last October. (Sorry, no picture. They're black. And round.) Not only does the cost per use go down each day we have residual snow/icy temperatures, but it's one more day that I don't have to update my status on The Face.Book (since the only time I update it is when I swap my tires).

3. It delays the annual Cadbury Mini-Egg gorge-fest.

Mmmm. I love me those mini eggs. And those "robin eggs" (you know, those brightly coloured malted milk balls). When the snow is still on the ground and it still feels like winter, I walk blithely past the chocolate aisle as though it's leftover Christmas candy canes.

4. When Spring does come, it will POP!

Hoo boy, when She finally does arrive, Spring is going to go nuts on us. It'll be the All-Blossom, All-The-Time Channel, with bees buzzing and leaves unfurling and grass will be Nature's version of fireworks because it will all come in one gorgeous week.

5. And we will LOVE it!

It's kind of a "hunger is the best sauce" thing; when you ache for something so badly, it's all the more glorious when it finally comes. Everyone I know is so desperate for some green, some warmth, and some sun that the eventual arrival of it all in one fell swoop is going to turn us all a little bit batty and a lot giddy.


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