Be Still My OCD Heart!

 Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Husband and I went to a movie tonight where we finally saw Avatar along with the only other ten people in America who haven't seen it yet. Only one theatre was playing in 3-D, so we had to go a bit further afield than usual.

So we get to this brand new theatre, and the lady behind the counter asks us to choose our seats.


Assigned seating.

In a movie theatre.

Oh my.

No worrying that if you stop for popcorn on the way, someone will snag the last two seats together. No feeling pressured to move one down. No sitting beside someone if you don't want to.

(Of course, someone could choose the seat next to you after you've already purchased your ticket. But, in theory, you could buy all nine seats around yours - Brady Bunch title credits style - and just sit there surrounded by emptiness. Expensive, but worth it for the misanthropes out there.)

Better yet, this theatre offers VIP seating. You get to sit in the upper level, away from the hoi polloi, in wide leather seats grouped two-by-two complete with tables and a wide space around them (so no annoying neighbours).

Best of all? Full bar and restaurant just outside...and you get to take it all in with you.

Methinks my Netflix queue just got a bit of competition. Although, when you factor in babysitter + $10 movie ticket + $5 VIP seating + who knows how much they jack up the price of a glass of wine, ketchup chips + my downstairs couch + the trusty red envelope will likely continue to be the standard.



 Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spring's been doing some serious sprungage around here. It's such a hopeful time in Minnesota - the strollers come out, the walkers return to the lakes, and the panhandlers descend en masse upon the downtown. Even my winter-shrivelled heart is beginning to throb once again.

Of course, the extra daylight and warm temperatures means that the standard routine somehow gets thrown right out the window. We're behind on homework and cleaning (and blogging, I guess). Kinda tough to care when I see the munchkins zipping up and down the street on their bikes, though.

And playing in the mud: This is the mud pie bakery outside right now (apologies for the blueness - my camera skills consist of point and shoot, and clearly someone has been messing with settings and I don't know how to fix it). My favourite part are the little decorations - they're actually pellets from the neighbour boy's BB gun.

From weapons of minor destruction to cake wrecks - swords into ploughshares indeed.


Crying My Eyes Out and Tripping Down Memory Lane

 Wednesday, March 17, 2010

So supper tonight is french onion soup, and I'm sitting here with raccoon circles and stinging eyes having just sliced up a big ol' pile of the main ingredient. And it reminds me of the very first day of my very first real job.

(Babysitting is kind of a job, I guess, but it's a bit too ad hoc and the pay is a bit too sliding scalish to be a real job.)


Yep, I was a burger slinger long before I became Mistress of the Semicolon.

I got the job when I was 15 (barely legal) because my grandmother was neighbours with one of the owners. Which is essentially the only way to get a job in Steinbach. I was told to come in at 5:00 and wear black shoes.

And that was pretty much the sum total of my orientation. I got there, was issued a uniform, and spent the rest of the evening observing and bumbling my way through non-potentially-lethal tasks.

I filled condiments. I put liners in the baskets (remember the baskets?). I swept the floor. I washed dishes.

And I made onion rings.

Now, this is probably giving away all sorts of trade secrets here, but the onion rings were actually a 2-day process. You're probably imagining taking a raw onion ring, dipping it in liquid, and then shaking on some batter which, when fried, turns into all sorts of yummy goodness. And you're half right!

The other half?

The Onion King.

See, the dayshift got the cool job - actually battering the onion rings. The nightshift? We got to make the actual rings. Which meant taking a hee-yooj bag of onions, cutting off the ends, peeling them, and then slicing them (which is where the Onion King comes in - kind of like a monstrous egg slicer into which you place a raw onion, push the handle down, and out comes rings).

Then came the worst part. Separating the rings, and removing the membranes. You know, the paper thin, sticky skin stuck to every single square inch of an onion ring. The batter doesn't stick to the membrane, see.

So every night - cut, peel, slice, membrane, cut, peel, slice, membrane - it took about an hour to get the requisite number for the next day. Longer if it was close to the weekend.

And we cried. Ohhhhh, how we cried. We'd stand there with tears streaming down our faces, trying to see through the fog to make sure our knives were cutting only onions and not fingers.

I had a bit luckier than my usual coworkers. Back in the day I wore contact lenses, and somehow that provided a bit of armour 'gainst the noxious fumes.

Of course, since my body's fallen apart since I had babies I've gotten older and my eyes have dried out, I can't wear lenses anymore, so I stand by my cutting board, making soup, and crying just like in the good ol' days.

Ah, those good ol' days - when all you had to do was show up on time and wear black shoes.


I Had a Hot Date Last Night…

 Saturday, March 13, 2010

…and it wasn’t with this guy:

IMG_0457 (Which, with that hat on, is probably for the best.)

Nope, The Husband has taken his sequined green cowboy hat along on his annual guy’s St. Paddy’s Day weekend. He was pretty excited about it, as you can see, especially since last year none of the other guys came and he ended up having to go with (sigh) his wife.

The Girl’s weekend festivities included a sleepover to attend last night, which meant that I got to have a date with my other special man.

(Warning – exciting times and excessive use of exclamation marks ahead.)

IMG_0459 We ordered pizza! (His favourite - “Alaska pizza” aka Mexican pizza)

IMG_0463 We ate it DOWNSTAIRS! With POP!

IMG_0464 We watched the BEN 10 MOVIE! We played Wii!

And then we got to snuggle our way to sleep.

So, not so much a “hot” date as a “warm and snuggly” one.

One of the best kinds, in my opinion.


A Tale of Two Skiers

 Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I am not sportif.

I have an uneasy relationship with balls of any kind (particularly those used in some form of team sport), likely due to a soccer ball to the face one ill-fated –30 degree February day when I had the misfortune of being the goalie.

Team sports make me quake in fear, not only because I am always picked last, but because running around in confusion, getting sweaty, and not having a hot clue what is going on is the stuff of nightmares for this bookish perfectionist.

Individual sports are only slightly better, and then only because the only person I have to measure myself against is me. But when said measurement became the only “C” for miles on the ol’ report card (and then only because my gym teachers felt sorry for me and bumped me up for “participation”), the return on the investment has always seemed rather less than my input would warrant.

So I never understood people who voluntarily did sportsy things. Like swimming. Running (oooo – word-eating time!). Baseball leagues.

Worst of all was skiing. I mean, it makes no sense. It’s outside. In winter. And it’s fast. What on earth could someone possibly like about it?

Well, that “someone” happened to be The Boyfriend of my youth, and despite a disastrous experience with skiing of the water variety and an only passing acquaintance with skiing of the cross-country variety, I let him persuade me to try the downhill variety.

It was another –30 degree February day. The Boyfriend, me, one of my BFFs, and another guy (who maybe wanted to be my BFF’s boyfriend or maybe it was the other way around or maybe I’ve just watched too many Days of Our Lives episodes) woke up at 5 am to drive for hooooouuuuuurs to some Manitoba ski place (can’t remember the name. I think it may have had “ass” in it).

We had the slopes to ourselves (probably because it was minus a billion degrees) and the hills were rock-hard ice. My BFF, also a virgin skier, was soon hurtling down black diamond runs, screaming with glee, while I was gamely trying the bunny hill.

The Boyfriend did his best, but it’s not easy to demonstrate skiing when you yourself are using a snowboard. He talked me through it, and I went about five feet. Then I decided to go a bit higher.

Now some hills in Manitoba might be big enough/cool enough for a chair lift, but not this one. It had a T-bar, which is essentially a tow rope with planks of wood.

The idea, I’m told, is to stand there and let the plank of wood hit you in the aforementioned a$$ and then propel you along as you balance on your skis.

Of course, I was told this after the fact.

After, in fact, I had already tried to sit down.

Apparently, T-bars are not actually meant for sitting. They can’t take the weight.

Apparently, if you try to sit down on a T-bar, you will hear a great deal of crashing and clunking, some scraping as the wooden plank ravages your body, and a final *thonk* as the bar slams up under your chin on its way by.

Apparently, it is also not a good thing to have one’s tongue between one’s teeth when this happens.

Bleeding and wiping tears, I disentangled my skis and poles, worked to become upright, and declared:

That’th IT! Thkiing ith NOT for me!

And my illustrious skiing career ended with some wadded up toilet paper soaking up the blood from my tongue while I waited out the rest of the day in the chalet.

Fast forward 20 years:

EmmaskiingDon’t let the picture fool you – she is amazing! She’s had only two formal lessons and she’s already skiing like a champion. She went out with The Husband last weekend and her BFF’s dad (himself a very good skiier) was marveling at her abilities.

Emmachairlift Of course, she gets a real chairlift. Perhaps I, too, could have been Lindsey Vonn-in-the-making if it weren’t for a T-bar one fateful day.

Emmasleeping A full day’s skiing + warm car ride + Mom Teddy = sweetness.

Henrysnowboarding (A picture from a previous weekend. The Boy is following in his father’s footsteps and tried snowboarding. He only did one lesson, so he still needs to learn how to actually put both feet on the board. But he’ll get there!)


A Conversation Overheard

 Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Boy: I looooooooove you, Dad.

The Husband: Thanks, buddy.

PM: So, The Boy, which do you like better? Dad?

[wily grin]

Or Mario Kart Wii?

The Boy: Totally Mario Kart Wii.

The Husband: [pained look]

PM: [snicker]

Making his own Blue Falcon (the video game vehicle he finally unlocked after playing day and night for about two weeks)


Guess What Came This Weekend?!

 Monday, March 8, 2010


LOOKIT LOOKIT LOOKIT LOOKIT what the nice man in brown dropped off this weekend!

Back in the Land o’ Blogging I am now. It’ll probably take me awhile to really get back into it. It’s funny – I figured that once we were back up and running, I’d make a pot of coffee and stare at the screen until my eyeballs dried out, catching up on blogs and Slate and Salon and maybe even Facebook in my quest to get back my Internets groove.

But it’s actually been a bit meh. Oh sure, I love being able to check my email anytime I want and I was definitely missing some of my BFF blogs.

Yet there was something kind of nice about being away from the screen in my off hours. Kind of refreshing. I had all this time to play piano and practice guitar (I can totally play the Pink Panther theme you guys! At a dirge-like pace, but still!) and read and yell at my kids…suddenly I found all these extra hours that I didn’t realize existed.

So although I’m back, and I’ll do my best to get this place back up and running smoothly again, I think I’ll be okay if I don’t know all the ins and outs of Oscar fashion or what is going on with that girl I’ve never met whose blog is linked to another blog I read.

But of course, your perusal of this space continues to be mandatory. So don’t go getting any ideas of your own about cutting back on your computer time.

To reward you for sticking with the downtime, some kiddie love:

IMG_0445 (I know, he’s shirtless. Again. Honestly, I don’t even notice anymore.)


The Time Has Come, The Walrus Said...

 Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Quick technology update: we've enacted a Do Not Resuscitate order on the laptop and expect our new hardware to arrive early next week. We should be up and running and back on the internets as soon as my onsite IT professional can hook up all the wire thingeys.

Summer car today! I love the first time in spring when you get in the car and it's all stuffy and you haul off your coat and you turn off the seat warmers and open up the sunroof. LOVE it!

All is well in PM-land. We've been busy, but no more or less than usual.

Lots of Olympic action here. We were surprised by how much NBC covered Canadian athletes. Friends were over for the first US/Canada hockey match, and they were gracious winners. We were hanging out with Americans for the final game, too, and I hope we were equally humble. I do think my heart stopped for a few minutes there, though.

Surprisingly, no one at work wanted to talk about the hockey game. Although, I didn't want anyone to ask me about the closing ceremonies either, so it was okay. I mean, really VANOC. Canada is a land of incredible music and you give them...Avril? Nickelback? Some girl from Canadian Idol?

And you had William Shatner (Captain Kirk!!) and Catherine O'Hara and you gave them nothing to work with? Canadians are the best in the world at snarky, fly-low-under-the-radar humour, yet you decide to represent us with lowest common denominator mean-spirited insults?

And inflatable beavers? Lumberjacks? Moose antlers for everyone? Stay classy, Canada!

Hmmm, what else. The Boy is totally obsessed with Mario Kart Wii and plays until his eyes get sore (at which point he switches to his Nintendo DSI). The Girl sets her alarm so she can wake up early to read more Wizard of Oz books. The Husband has turned into a running fiend.

Oh yeah, the running! It's still going okay. I haven't updated my stats for awhile, but I'm keeping it up. Took a bit of a relaxed week last week and definitely felt it, so I'm trying to work back up to where I was. I don't hate every step any more, although all the ones after about the 2-mile mark are pretty much not my favourite.

And there's the door - munchkins are home!