The More Things Change...

 Monday, March 28, 2011

Ordinarily, I'm all about original content on blogs.I'm not a huge fan of recycled material or "hey, check out this YouTube video I found." It's a variation on the "can't say anything nice" saying, except it's more of a "if you can't say anything new, don't say anything at all" rule.

However, in my professional life, the holy grail is single sourcing - why re-invent the wheel and risk saying the same thing in two slightly different ways? It's all about consistency and using the same structure and fonts when telling people which buttons to select.

(Which is why I *heart* it so.)

Perhaps that's why I was thinking about this post and then stopped and said, "hey PM, this sure sounds familiar...."

And then I realized I'd written exactly the same post less than two years ago.

So, in the interest of inventing that wheel only once (in which Michael Ignatieff seems entirely uninterested), you can read this again. Sad thing is, replace "Lebanon" with "Libya" and it's good to go.

(Do I think the Conservatives are running the show fantastically? No. But do I think that when you have a three-party system with vote-splitting the name of the game, you need to demonstrate that you can do more than just say the current leader doesn't know what he's doing and keep forcing elections? Yes.)


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