A Conversation Overheard

 Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Boy: I hate homework.

Me: Hmm...let's see....well, you've doubled the pennies for each day, so that's right, but the question says you need to add up how many pennies he has in total on Sunday, not just how many he has.

The Boy: ARGH! Why do you have to be SO smart?!

Me: Oh, you're smart, too. See, you have the right answer - it's just the answer to another question. Let's figure out the answer to this question.


(I'll second that motion. Anything that leads to an eight-year-old tantrum on the kitchen floor while I'm trying to make supper is not high on my list of Great Ways to Spend My Day.)


Marilyn P March 9, 2011 at 4:52 PM  

Yes, you ARE smart ... "right answer to the wrong question"...good one!

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