In Which Real Life Returns with a Vengeance

 Monday, April 13, 2009

Hoooo-boy. Apparently Life-As-I-Know-It was none too impressed that I left the country for awhile to dilly over suppers and brunches with near'n'dears and dally over some fabulous church services.

Nope, my life spent the weekend not enjoying a breather from injecting regular (but small) doses of chaos into my days, but plotting to make me rue the day I tried to escape it for a few hours.

In the house for all of five minutes last night, I headed to turn on the shower to transform some overtired, cranky, whiny, stinky children into overtired, cranky, whiny, sweet-smelling children. I turned the knob and - zing! - the faucet shot off and hit the other end of the tub. Who knew it was loose? More importantly, who knew water pressure was that strong?

So, we did baths last night.

Fortunately, I work from home on Mondays, so I was here to let in the shower repair guy. Less fortunately, I work from home on Mondays, which made today's increasingly-intermittent-until-essentially-nonexistent internet connection a bit of a big deal.

I guess I needed all that non-working time to try to organize today's flurry of birthday party invitations. We now have five invites spread out over the next three weekends. Apparently 6 years + 9 months ago and 8 years + 9 months ago couples in our area were very bored.

Add a last minute, unauthorized playdate (with bonus explanation over the phone to an eight-year-old that I can't arrange for another girl's mom to pick her up and that she needs permission from a parent and not an older brother to come to my house spur of the moment), and I think it's time for another vacation.

Although apparently I can't actually leave the house, for fear of my regular routine going all beserk on me.

Oh, and Happy Easter.


Mom P,  April 13, 2009 at 5:49 PM  

Yikes, what a crazy welcome home! But thanks so much for making the trek up north through not-quite-flooded backroads -- it was a fabulous Easter for us!

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