And God SHUT The Door

 Thursday, April 9, 2009

Did anyone else here have the Burl Ives audio version of Noah's Ark? We did. We also had Jonah. There's just nothing like the deep voice of Burl Ives describing the destruction of Ninevah to put the fear of, well, God in a kid.

We listened to those tapes over and over. They were eight kinds of awesome because they were multimedia - a tape AND accompanying book. With pictures. In colour. This, of course, ranked very high on the entertainment scale, given that I was wont to force my brothers to participate in playing school with used textbooks or intense surveys about which one of them would make the best president of the country.

[The geek is strong in you, young Skywalker...]

I think I shall have to remember these tapes when my kids start complaining about being bored: "You want nothing to do?! All I had when I was your age was BURL IVES!!"

(An aside: nothing gets my goat more than ungrateful children. I have been known to snatch supper out of from beneath a complainer and start lecturing about refugee camp conditions in the Sudan or how what is in front of them would feed an ENTIRE family! in Ethiopia! for A WHOLE WEEK!)

Anyhoo, I've been thinking of Mr. Ives all day today as I've been mentally - and now physically - preparing my own ark. We're headed up to the north country for Easter fun, and there appears to be some fairly significant flooding going on in Manitoba right now.

So no sacrificial animals or anything, but the PM family will definitely be filing into our ark (aka The Husband's VW2.0) two by two as soon as everyone gets home.

When we get to Emerson, we'll let out a dove. Have olive branches at the ready, or we'll be tempted to turn around and come home where it's dry.


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