Vendredi V - Birthday Edition

 Friday, March 28, 2008

We're in full-on birthday party planning mode over here, with The Girl's birthday party in T minus 29 hours and counting. And so:

Top Five Best Memories from My Childhood Birthday Parties:

1. The cakes my mom made. Seriously, these were Good Housekeeping-worthy feats of decorating magic. One year it was a princess in a castle, another year it was a real Barbie doll with a cake for her ballgown skirt. The best cake ever was the three-tiered, heart-shaped frothy pink-and-white confection created for my 12th birthday, complete with icing rosettes and a Dazzle Doll perched on the very top.

2. Money in said cakes. Did your mom do this? Mine wrapped coins in foil and inserted them in the cake to be found later by the lucky eaters. As a modern mother, I'm horrified - how many children cheated certain choking or breaking of teeth?! But as a kid - this was awesome.

3. Balloon chandeliers. Nothing says P-A-R-T-Y like balloons on the lights. (Advice duly followed by every SRSS grad committee ever.)

4. The presents. Come on, you alllll know it was all about the presents at that age. I'll even admit to inviting one girl to my party because of the supercool present she had bought me the year prior (oh yes, it was a My Little Pony).

5. The excitement in school all day that built as the party hour drew nearer. I was the coolest kid in my class - at least for one day each year.


Anonymous,  March 28, 2008 at 1:20 PM  

In case you forgot, the money in cakes was not a choking or dental hazard, as every child pulverized their piece looking for the money, and only started eating after checking every crumb. Trouble is, I didn't give a second piece until they had eaten the first. But, any child who hadn't received a total of 25 cents from cake coins, would get topped up at the door before leaving. Ah, those were such good times! Especially when my job ended with cakes and you totally looked after parties for your brothers! I know The Girl will have a fabulous party with her friends tomorrow. It's all about the presents, of course!

Anonymous,  March 28, 2008 at 4:22 PM  

#5... oh, the travesty of an August birthday, wherein no school parties or classmate-based excitement was to be had! The horrors! The injustice! The oh wait that means I got my whole birthday OFF....

Anonymous,  March 31, 2008 at 10:22 AM  

I can beat that, Richard - January birthdays are the WORST. Most of the time, nobody ends up coming because they're trapped under 5 feet of snow. And if they do manage to make it, there's no possibility of outdoor activities because it's -7900 outside. Poor me, and poor Oscar for that matter.

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