I Heart Tom Allen
Thursday, March 13, 2008
And Eric Friesen. And Jurgen Gothe. Not so much Catherine Belyea (I still pine a bit in my heart for Shelagh Rogers).
Today I finally got my internets radio going at work and spent a blissful day with some old friends. Many of you know of my passionate (almost zealous) love for CBC Radio 2. The theme songs have become subconscious time markers, so much so that the Studio Sparks theme makes my stomach growl because I know instinctively that it's lunchtime.
Of course, it isn't all music and giggles over at that hallowed institution. The "new and improved Part I" format saw the removal of Joe Cummings and his Arts Report from the national morning show. I miss his witty banter with Tom. They've started to include commercials - like I don't already know that Tonic (the After-Hours wannabe) is on tonight. The Signal is about as terrible a program as you can get, particularly as it replaces my beloved Andy Shepard. (What happened to that guy, anyway?)
And, given that it's about to get much, much worse ( http://www.cbc.ca/arts/media/story/2008/03/04/radio-two.html ), I suppose I'll need to keep my headphones planted firmly in my ears to enjoy as much as I can of what's left that is any good.
In happier news, it is a gor-gee-ous day today. It's still 9 degrees outside! And I got to enjoy the first "summer car" of the year - you know, that stuffy-overly-warm-drowsiness-inducing car interior that heralds warmer days and longer sunshine hours.
My summer car brought with it the added bonus of making my car smell like Starbucks. I broke my cupholders a few months back, and so my current coffee-drinking solution has been to perch my cup on the passenger seat (or hand it back to my daughter to hold, but that only works if she's in the car). There's not a lot to keep it upright when I turn sharp corners, so I've probably spilled the equivalent of 8 venti bold roasts onto the seat.
Fortunately, it's my car, not The Husband's, so as long as the seatwarmers don't short out on me, I don't really care all that much. Plus I have a tendency to use flavoured (non-dairy, fortunately) creamer, so now it smells like pie. Yum!
I feel that I must break the news that Disc Drive is also about to be axed. I can't say I'm distressed - I recently read something that linked Jurgen Gothe with mindless prattling and I nodded vigorously in agreement. But for the most part, I too am a CBC lover. I miss Shelley Solmes. :(
Have they no shame?! Yes, it is indeed mindless prattling. But that prattling got me through countless commutes home where the alternative was raunchy Hot 103 or "if you're a Christian you'll buy from my store" ads on CHVN.
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