In case you were wondering...

 Friday, August 1, 2008

Just a few fun facts for your Friday:

* The poison control center number is 1-800-222-1222.

* A child's vitamin contains 4 grams of iron, an overdose of which is toxic to the liver and can lead to liver failure.

* A child of approximately, oh, say 50 pounds or so, would need to ingest 228 vitamins that contained 4 grams of iron in order to be in danger.

* The Boy's powers of estimation of numbers of vitamins eaten in one sitting are not entirely trustworthy, but one can fairly comfortably assume that his pronouncement of "16" describes a number that is nowhere near 228.

And so, we cheat Death yet another day.

(Right now I'm just trying to forget that the answer to, "The Girl, why do you have a band-aid on?" was "Oh, I was sawing....")


Anonymous,  August 2, 2008 at 8:18 PM  

Never a dull moment over there, hey?

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