It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again

 Thursday, August 28, 2008

Recent arrival from Canada? Check.

New house filled with unpacked boxes? Check.

IKEA runs to fill furniture-ish voids brought about by the new house? Check.

A whirlwind of school paperwork and visits? Check.

Bureaucratic snafus resulting in the use of only one car? Check and double check.

Yup, all's normal in PM-land. We got back from our trip to the motherland yesterday - thanks to all who continue to greet us with open arms and wide smiles, even though we still haven't given up this crazy idea of being residents of the US of A. (Hilarious - The Boy just figured out how to spell "USA" on the car ride home yesterday.)

Today brought the disagreeable news that my driver's license was cancelled in my absence. Having already jumped through the requisite hoops before I left, I was not pleased to discover that someone forgot to fax over the necessary proof of extension of residency, and that reinstatement will be delayed up to two business days after I have re-sent the necessary documents. (I was also mildly annoyed that The Husband, jumping through the same hoops, but after the deadline unlike his diligent wife who made sure to get there on time, received his new license in the mail today.)

So, The Husband was chauffeur to today's numerous events, which included a school open house for two children, an orientation at the new daycare for one child, an IKEA trip for some new seating, and a fond farewell visit to our former landlord.

We are so impressed with the school, if a little overwhelmed by the mountain of paperwork. It's much bigger in all respects than our previous school, and the kids' teachers seem very kind. The Boy is also very excited about his new daycare, and cried when we told him he was only able to start next week.

And we're also pretty pumped about the new neighbourhood. We met three (count'em - three!) sets of our neighbours tonight, which is already one more than we ever met at the old place in the entire year we were there. Next door are three kids ages 6-11, and on the other side is a 5th grader who is attending the same school as the kids.

So, although it feels eerily similar as last year at this time, it also feels as though we'll be back to normal sooner.


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