Here I Am...

 Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Husband and I are teaching Sunday School for a month to fill in for the regular teacher who is on sabbatical. I may have mentioned that this is a small church - so small that the usual roster for our pre-K-grade 2 class has a total of four students. (That number will swell by 50% when the regular teacher returns along with his two children.)

So, it's not an overly onerous task. Today, being the long weekend, attendance was even lower than usual, and our class consisted of two children.


And so I give you "The Calling of Samuel" with The Husband playing the part of Eli, The Boy playing the part of Samuel, and The Girl playing the part of THE VOICE OF GOD. (I'm the official supplier of towels/pillows and recorder of the performance):


Anonymous,  August 31, 2008 at 3:08 PM  

Ahhh, too cute! And I notice some new back-to-school haircuts.

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