Vendredi V - Oh Baby, I'm So Tired Edition

 Friday, May 16, 2008

One of the crappy things about living in America is that when all your Canadian friends are gleefully looking forward to and enjoying Canuck-only holidays, you're stuck at work with nary a celebratory drink in sight.

Well, no sitting mournfully at my desk for this girl on May Long - we're taking the day off and going away for the weekend like proper Canadians! (Which, of course, has the delightful effect of giving us *two* long weekends in a row.)

And boy, do I need a weekend away. I realize entirely that my petty problems pale in comparison to those of much of the world, particularly those living in Burma and China right now. Nevertheless, it does feel as though this break has been a long time coming:

Top 5 Reasons I Am Glad for My Upcoming Weekend Retreat

1. We're still down to one car. The Husband has solved the problem (we think) and the requisite part arrived today. After a less-than-successful siphoning attempt which led to no actual fuel transfer and a mouthful of diesel for him, he thinks he now knows how to go about Le Grande Fix-it. But it hasn't been easy as our lifestyle is definitely of the "two-car-family" variety.

2. I am very, very tired. The result of having only one car means a logistical juggle in which I must be AT the bus stop (not running towards it) at 5:30 am. Add one or two somewhat late nights in a row and I have to work to keep my eyes open. In fact, I was so tired that last night I dreamed that Victoria Beckham moved in next door and we were chatting about how she was hungry all the time and that our kids had lots in common and should play together.

3. Work is getting crazy busy. There's the usual plus an annual event that has me scrambling right now with no real end in sight as once the big stuff is done my boss goes on mat leave and I get to fend for myself for three months.

4. The Husband travelled this week. Just overnight, but we allll know that even one short trip sends the house (and its occupants) plummeting into chaos.

5. I'm the mother of *that* child. You know, the one who throws stones at cars (again!). The one who gets into a fight at school (in his defense, he did nothing to provoke the maniacal attack). The one whose fight over Pokemon cards at school has led to a preschool-wide ban on the coveted cards. The one who has a behaviour chart at his before-school program. You know - *that* one.

Sigh. Hotel hot tub, here I come!


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