The Worst Part about Sick Kids...

 Tuesday, February 12, 2008 not fevers. It's not having a restless, sweaty child in bed with you. It's not barf and it's not even (in our case) monitoring for breathing difficulties.

Nope, the worst part about having a sick child is the dreaded "whose workday is more important today" conversation.

Given our paucity of childcare resources, these days sick child = parent at home. And, since neither of us have ever been told, "hey, don't worry about it, none of the work you do is actually all that important," it becomes a question of who can least afford to miss work rather than who is in a good position to do so.

The Husband finally got a laptop from work so he can work at home, but his job requires a lot more interaction with coworkers than mine. My work is quite independent, but I'm still a newbie and don't have work-at-home privileges yet (and, if I did, the company is quite specific that working at home is only approved if children are cared for off-site, so it isn't really a viable option except for not falling behind).

So today's solution is that The Husband goes in for a few hours and works the rest of the day at home while I go in late and stay at work until I've put in my eight hours so as to avoid using up my vacation time.


Well, today's covered. Here's hoping The Boy feels better tomorrow; The Husband is off to Chicago for a meeting which means I'm the sole member of the "Sick Kid Patrol."


Anonymous,  February 12, 2008 at 8:26 AM  

That sucks. I've got a sicko here too with rivulets of snot pouring down his face all day long. And as an added bonus, I've got whatever he's got. Fun times in the 'Peg.

Laurel February 12, 2008 at 12:31 PM  

We're sending you thoughts of good health. Hopefully all will be well tomorrow.

Chrystie February 13, 2008 at 7:50 PM  

Oh Peit! Had I known this was your day, I would have flown down to Minneap with Ellie, and she and The Boy could have traded sick germs. The moms could have been in one bed, watching reruns of 90210, while the respiratory infected chillin' played in the living room. At least for half a day. Then, when The Husband came home for his half-day duty, I would have left for IKEA.

I just wanted you to know that you're not alone in your pain. We had this exact conversation on Monday, with the final decision being Rocky waiting at the walk-in in the morning, and me coming home in the afternoon. It is BY FAR the hardest aspect of being a working parent.

Sending "Get Well, sweet boy!" prayers your way. You're loved (and sorely missed)!!

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