We'll Always Remember Our School and Our Song...

 Friday, June 8, 2012

...but we've got to be rolling along.

(Any Southwood School kids out there remember that song? High five, Southwood Stars!)

We're officially on summer break here at the PM house, hooray! It is SO nice to not be thinking about homework. The Girl is super responsible with hers, but The Boy takes a bit of dragging. And monitoring. And cajoling. And frustrated throwing up my hands and saying, "fine. Never learn multiplication tables. See if I care."

(This attitude is not serving me well. The other day when I asked him how his test had gone, he said, "I didn't really try." And I admonished, "You need to learn these things. Better learn it now while you're young." And he returned, "Mom. It's not like they'd ever fail me. Plus I'm sure I got at least 50%. That's all I need."

That old chestnut "Cs Get Degrees" ran through my head and I couldn't really think of a good response.)

But we're past all that now and we're in the limbo between school and the summer programs that start next week. The kids BAKED their brains on screen time yesterday. I'm on vacation and had all sorts of Projects planned.

But then I realized that this is the first day of vacation I've had to myself since New Year's Day. And my first Project of the day became sleeping in until 10 am. Followed by a dentist cleaning (boo) with no cavities (yay!). Then taking my kids out for a celebratory lunch:

(Oy! They're off the kids menu. This is gonna get expensive....)

However, celebrations were definitely in order since this was a BIG year for one of us. One of us is OFFICIALLY a MIDDLE-SCHOOLER! From Big Fish in Small Pond to Small Fish in Big Pond!! We had GRADUATION on Wednesday. Superfluous exclamation marks and CAPS all around!!!!

Pre-ceremony reception sugar-loading.

The Green Dress Club.

Class of 2019? For reals??

Rockin' it out on the bass bar with the handbells crew.

And that's it, that's all on the elementary days front. At least for her. Who would have thought it back on her first day of kindergarten:


Laurel June 10, 2012 at 8:36 PM  

I heart you and your Southwood school song. I had forgotten that song. Now it is unfortunately stuck in my head. Did I tell you that Elijah has started wearing my old Southwood t-shirt? Ah, the memories.

peitricia mae June 11, 2012 at 11:33 AM  

Ha! I love that you still have that shirt.

(That song has been in my head all weekend. Unfortunately, I have no remedy.)

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