Stop Me If You've Heard This One...

 Wednesday, May 5, 2010

...The Husband...travelling..yada yada...again...single mom...crrrrrazy in a bottle...constant barrage of kids requests...caved on sugary cereal at the store today...

...the usual.

In more pressing news - you guys have got to help me. I don't know what to do. It's like it's all ratcheted up in the last month, beyond a level that I knew existed and far, far sooner than I thought possible.

It's The Girl.

And it's allllll about the drama.

Oh. My. Word. There aren't enough ALLCAPS and italics and exclamation points to go around these days.

"MOOOOOM?!?! The Boy came into my room and for NO REASON he HIT me and I FELL!! DOWN!! and I almost BROKE my head RIGHT!! OFFFFFF!!!!"

Or this one, in the grocery store today:

"You know? You NEVER punish The Boy. He always hurts me and you TOTALLY see it and you NEVER do ANYTHING and, you know what?! You know, it makes me wonder - WHAT KIND OF MOM ARE YOU?!?!"

And I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. The rock = trying not to go on a drama rampage of my own, which happens when I've had a long day and there's no more ketchup chips and I've been accused of not pulling my weight around the house and MAKING HER CLEAN UP WHICH IS TOTALLY UNFAIR once too often.

The hard place = trying not to laugh. And I'm totally not good at that. Poor kid - she's pouring out her histrionic heart and I actually have to leave the room because I am shaking so hard with laughter. The "what kind of mom are you?!" almost had me rolling in the grocery store aisles today.

Or tonight, when I tried version 2.0 of the bean burgers:

Me: Well, I think these are getting better, don't you? I swapped out the green pepper for red, added some seasoning salt, made them thinner, and added more bread crumbs. What do you think of the texture? Oh, "texture" is how it feels in your mouth.

The Girl: [eye roll] Mom, I already know what "texture" means. They teach that in [with disgust] grade ONE!

Me: [mildly, hiding a grin] Oh. Well, that's good. But don't you think they're improving?

The Girl: Mom. If I were you, I would never make these again.

It is going to be a loooong tweenhood.


Anonymous,  May 5, 2010 at 11:00 PM  

I wish I knew. Right now we're experiencing pre-schooler drama. "Mum! Mares chewed on my blanket and it is RUINED, IT'S RUINED!! I'll never have my blanket ever ever again, EVER!"


Not to dismiss it in any way, but isn't this just typical tween girl behaviour? Experimenting with drama and expressing herself, that kind of thing? I recall behaving in a similar fashion. Our poor mothers. They oughtta be given sainthood.

Laurel May 6, 2010 at 2:33 PM  

And you wondered why having a girl scared me...

Marcia,  May 12, 2010 at 2:36 PM  

Yep, we've got some of that, no actually LOTS of that attitude happening here, too!! ie. Parents usally let their kids CHOOSE to take an instrument/choir. I've checked with so and so and they didn't have to. Or I am SO wearing shorts tomorrow if it's above 10 Celsius. Or WHATEVER!!!! (Roll eyes and turn on heal) Or I don't have any good (she means fashionable) clothes! We should give all of mine away (this would make Mom happy!) and then get all new ones! Yikes! They're only in Grade 3!

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