What Would You Do?

 Thursday, September 17, 2009

So, let's say you're running out the door to head to work. It's 5:50 am, so it's pretty dark in the garage.

You place your coffee and the container with your favourite on-the-go breakfast (one peeled, hard-boiled egg with a bit of salt - perfect protein in a snack size!) on top of the car and think, "heh-heh, better not forget that they're up there!" while you stow the rest of your career-woman's baggage.

You reverse down the driveway (hypothetically, of course) and head down the street. A few yards into the drive you hear a tiny clunk and, remembering your earlier premonition, quickly glance down. Coffee mug? Check. Egg?

Not so much check.

A glance in the rearview mirror provides nothing but more darkness, so you do a quick U-turn. Your lights pick up an upside-down container...and...a few feet further on...an egg.

Sighing, you go outside to retrieve the mess you made. The container is unscathed, but the egg? Quite scathed. Like some biker-meets-road misfortune, pieces have been torn off, and there's gravel embedded in the raw flesh.

You hop back into the car (all of this totally in theory) and continue on. Then you think about how that egg was your breakfast.

And how you're trying to eat healthy these days. And how the only food available for purchase at this hour in the building where you work is greasy breakfast sandwiches or baked goods. And how even if you vow to yourself to get the yogurt parfait or the reduced fat blueberry muffin at Starbucks (which is healthy in the same way as saying, "I'm totally going to choose the butcher knife because the cutlass and the machete are way too dangerous to handle" is safe), you will probably end up getting the deep-fried-major-glazed-apple-fritter.

(Like you always do.)

And how this forlorn, beat-up, road-rashed egg is pretty much the only thing between you and lunch.

What would you do?

(I totally ate it.)

(However, as mentioned, I remembered my mug - huzzah! So I rinsed the egg off with a bit of coffee, and it was good as new. Well, not really. But I got the gravel off.)

(Well, not really.)


Anonymous,  September 17, 2009 at 9:48 PM  

I'm laughing so hard, my water might break.

You did NOT eat it! I refuse to believe that!

PM, next time (if there is a next time), just get the apple fritter! That was the universe telling you to eat a donut, seriously. Driveway eggs are NOT GOOD FOR YOU!

Richard,  September 18, 2009 at 12:05 AM  

I'm with Jane there... you CLEARLY violated the 5-second rule!

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