School Daze

 Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Aaaaand, they're off!

Quick, guys, smile - the bus is coming! Who cares if you're centred?!

And thus it all begins again.

I love back to school. The promise of new backpacks, shiny notebooks, special first day of school outfits (speaking of which, could she possibly wear any more colours?).

Summer's end is so bittersweet. On the one hand, I'm sad to say good-bye to those hazy, lazy, long warm days.

On the other, I heave a sigh of relief that we're finally back to routine. The loosey-gooseyness of holidays is fine for awhile, but I'm a creature of habit, as we all know.

The kids both had good days for their first day of school yesterday. The Boy woke up and announced, "Thanks, Mom, for signing me up for school!" He came home a little deflated from this earlier height of excitement, reporting that he had "been shy." The Girl also seems to have had a good day - she listed off all of the former compadres she'd played with on the playground and I was reminded about what a social butterfly she is.

(Also: how hard those first days are. If I seem distracted right now, it's because of a MAY-JOR meltdown behind me. Terrible mom, that I am, for not letting her have enough honey on her pancake. [Also terrible? Not grocery shopping for three weeks so we're totally out of staples like pancake syrup.])

(Also also? We're having pancakes for dinner. Sigh.)

Nonetheless, a beginning of fits and starts is still a beginning and it is so nice to be starting this big edu-ma-cation machine up again.


Mom P,  September 9, 2009 at 7:45 PM  

Yay, I love pictures taken on the first day of school! And I love all the new school supplies and excitement of it all. I'm so glad your kids could go back to the same school second year in a row!

Margaret September 9, 2009 at 10:13 PM  

Pancakes for supper is fine mom - do not sweat it. You're a great mom and they know it!

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