And on Every Street Corner You Hear...

 Thursday, December 4, 2008

I love the Sally Ann Bell Ringers. They make me happy.

Of course, they also make me feel guilty (see previous post). But it's a happy kind of guilt, easily assuaged by dropping a few coins into the little slot.

The Army's out in full force these days, with ring-offs happening on street kitty-corners (really, why post two kettle-minders within tinkling distance - isn't that like two Starbucks across the street from one another? "Oh, they have different personalities." Perhaps there are two ways to ring a bell...) and locked-down red kettles swaying festively in the wind.

Now the soldiers themselves do not always look happy, which is almost the best part. Sure, I love the enthusiastic ones who throw themselves into their work with extra vigorous wrist snappage and cheery "Happy Holidays!" flung towards every passerby. But the ones who give a half-hearted jingle as they shift their weight back and forth on weary feet and give a brief nod of acknowledgement as I pass are my favourite.

Why so glum chum? I think to myself. You get to be a part of something fabulous - the guilting of wealthy people into giving away a bit more than they thought they would. If you're doing it as a volunteer, you get the satisfaction of knowing that You Helped. If you're getting paid, then perhaps you will be fortunate enough to avoid the very circumstances the donations you receive are intended to remedy.

But I completely identify with the Reluctant Volunteer, the person who gives time because it is A Good Thing to Do. I wish I were the type of person who has a natural servant heart and who takes pleasure in the mere act of giving. I'm not, though - I'm selfish and crochety and rather Ebeneezer-y. So I empathize with those who are likewise, yet force themselves out to their bell-ringing duties because they know that the world is a better place for it, even if they'd rather be at home watching Heroes.

So good on you, Sourface Sallys! Thanks for the reminder that even if we're just going through the motions, at least we're going!


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