This New House

 Monday, September 8, 2008

So we were chatting at the supper table today about school and cafeteria lunches and the presence of peanut butter at the Peanut Allergy Table. And then we moved on to other important subjects, like our new-found multiplicy of television channels, "discovered" only in that we actually hooked up the cable to the television at our new place (despite the fact that we always were paying for the cable at the other house).

Which led to the exclamation of "I love the new house" from The Girl. We asked her why:

The Girl's Top Ten Reasons to Love the New House

10. Carpet in the basement (apparently hardwoods aren't the requisite softness for playing).

9. The new TV channels.

8. Mom and Dad's bedroom is right next to The Girl's and The Boy's (previously she was all alone on the main floor while the rest of us retired upstairs).

7. We have new neighbours - one playmate on each side (plus bonus trampoline!).

6. There's a new park just down the street.

5. We have a "free" play structure in our backyard.

4. There's lots of room inside to play.

3. It allows us to go to the new school (which got a thumbs up today).

2. The garage is attached (no more walking in the rain/snow).

And the number one reason The Girl loves the new house...

1. The laundry chute.

(Doesn't get better than throwing things down a laundry chute, true enough.)


Anonymous,  September 8, 2008 at 10:26 PM  

Laundry chutes are indeed the best! We used to play with ours all the time, one of us hiding in the basket at the bottom (and scaring our mom), while the other would see what he could throw down on top of the other from upstairs. Good times...

Margaret September 9, 2008 at 1:36 AM  

Laundry chutes are what is missing in our new homes - I was always THRILLED when visiting lucky friends who had them in their homes. sigh. another memory.

Anonymous,  September 9, 2008 at 8:19 AM  

It really DOESN'T get any better than that. Although my brother Justin got a bit of a shock in his youth when he attempted to slide down said chute after an unnoticed growth spurt...

Laurel September 9, 2008 at 9:19 PM  

Just wondering if Mom Teddy has taken a trip down the chute. Did she make it all the way down?

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