Th-Th-Th-Th-That's All Folks!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Phew - we made it! As threatened promised, 31 posts in 31 days!
Phew - we made it! As threatened promised, 31 posts in 31 days!
So I was in the young adult section of Barnes & Noble yesterday.
(Or: Reason #851 Why I Am Spoiled.)
Ordinarily, I'm all about original content on blogs.I'm not a huge fan of recycled material or "hey, check out this YouTube video I found." It's a variation on the "can't say anything nice" saying, except it's more of a "if you can't say anything new, don't say anything at all" rule.
On the way to church today we were discussing my deprived childhood. How I was a home-for-lunch kid and so it was a huge deal for me to stay for lunch. With my Smurfette lunchkit.
So. Tired.
Friday already? Yikes, this week went fast!
You know what's more difficult than keeping a promise to blog every day for a month?
Keeping a promise to not complain about the weather.
Case in point - my backyard two days ago: Same backyard, 24 hours later:
...then what do March showers bring?
Freezing rain, treacherous driving, and all-around nastiness, it would seem.
So when it looks like this outside: You really don't have much choice other than to fire this baby up:
There was a party at my house yesterday.
Sigh. Know what this means?
After scouring the MLS listing site looking at houses for the past two years, you'd think it would have occurred to me that it is unlikely most people actually live in the house in the pictures.
It's somewhere in the high forties outside. I know this, even though my little desktop weather icon says that it's 9 C.
So, PM, what's up with your house hunt? I haven't heard anything - you're not totally discouraged yet, are you? Hey, these things take time, no worries. You started off with going to see that one house the other day - did that go okay?
The Husband: Okay, seriously. I do not understand. How is it that certain jobs are just my jobs.
Dear Homeowner,
"So stop doing that."
As usual, springing forward kicked me in the B-U-T-T.
I came home from work to this. It made me laugh so hard:
Man, Winter just won't go gentle into that good night, eh? Well, I promised I wouldn't complain. So let's reverse psychology this thing:
Top 5 Things I Luuuuurve About Winter (Director's Extended Cut):
1. I get to use my parka for longer!
This year I splurged and bought myself a new parka:
I bought new winter tires last October. (Sorry, no picture. They're black. And round.) Not only does the cost per use go down each day we have residual snow/icy temperatures, but it's one more day that I don't have to update my status on The Face.Book (since the only time I update it is when I swap my tires).
3. It delays the annual Cadbury Mini-Egg gorge-fest.
Mmmm. I love me those mini eggs. And those "robin eggs" (you know, those brightly coloured malted milk balls). When the snow is still on the ground and it still feels like winter, I walk blithely past the chocolate aisle as though it's leftover Christmas candy canes.
4. When Spring does come, it will POP!
Hoo boy, when She finally does arrive, Spring is going to go nuts on us. It'll be the All-Blossom, All-The-Time Channel, with bees buzzing and leaves unfurling and grass will be Nature's version of fireworks because it will all come in one gorgeous week.
5. And we will LOVE it!
It's kind of a "hunger is the best sauce" thing; when you ache for something so badly, it's all the more glorious when it finally comes. Everyone I know is so desperate for some green, some warmth, and some sun that the eventual arrival of it all in one fell swoop is going to turn us all a little bit batty and a lot giddy.
Read more...Before we begin our post proper...
The Boy: I hate homework.
"...It's kind of like OCD, except the letters are in alphabetical order like they're supposed to be." ~ Unknown
Dunh dunh dunhhhhhh.....
It's summer program time!
I didn't know this existed until I became a mom. When I was growing up, summer vacation = sleeping in and then running amok in the neighbourhood, coming in only for lunch and homemade popsicles.
(Made with jello - two kinds - and dixie cups/popsicle sticks. My mom was The Awesome.)
None of my friends had dual income families either, so summer looked the same for all of us. The only alterations to that schedule were my annual trek to summer camp (ohhh yeah - I was Arts & Crafts and Music & Drama girl at Red Rock - totally one of the cool kids) and our yearly family vacation, usually to Falcon Lake, but sometimes all the way out to the Left Coast to visit family.
When my own munchkins were younger, summer didn't look all that different from their usual days - they were in daycare. I'd already made the mental shift from "all kids need to have a stay-at-home mom because I did" to "a family does what makes sense for that family, and in my family, it makes sense for mom to work," so it wasn't a big deal.
Then they hit school (its own mental shift), and we hit our first summer. Suddenly, used to year-round, all-day programming for our kids, we were left staring at the vast expanse of 11 weeks on the calendar with nothing.
It was a total double whammy, too, since we were in America, where they let their kids out of school in the first week of June (and then wonder why their kids are falling behind, but whatever), leaving almost three months to cover instead of a much more manageable eight weeks.
So we discovered the Summer Program. And every year, come early March, we have to discover it all over again.
What are the kids going to do this summer????
I work because I want to, so quitting my job isn't an option. We don't have enough holidays between the two of us to cobble together an entire summer's worth of care. And, more's the pity, the county says we can't leave them alone all day for 11 weeks.
So, it's various clubs and programs and camps. For the past few years, we've done the same summer program that runs their inservice/spring break/winter break care, and it's been fine. This year we're trying something different - an a la carte version where you mix and match various options.
But I don't WANT to do fishing - I don't want to touch a gross fish!!
No. Dad. I do NOT want to do football. For the eighth time.
I want to do archery.
How come I can't do swimming? Why are we ALWAYS gone when I get to do good stuff?
Sigh. We're also trying to mix in a quilting camp (a saint from church has offered to teach The Girl's Sunday School class how to make doll quilts), The Girl's first-ever overnight Bible camp experience, our own family vacation (if only a week for us to find some local biking trails and hang out at the lake), and a couple of weeks for the kids at "Grandma's Farm."
Makes me tear my hair out a bit every year, I'll admit. But since the alternative is handing in my resignation and stocking up on jello and dixie cups, I grab my enrollment forms and a pen and grumble as I go looking for immunization records.
In one of those funny little coincidences, I have sung The Servant Song in both of "my" two churches in the past two weeks.
I'm a total TMI mom. I'm a firm believer that when children ask questions, they should receive answers. No hedging, no lying by omission (unless absolutely necessary to avoid nightmares)...the whole nine yards.
Nothing says spring like the return of that favourite feature here on PGT - Vendredi V, right?
I'm going to go look at someone's house tonight.
Yesterday I related my cautionary "don't try this at home kids" tale of treadmill-falling woe to a coworker who does triathlons. (Or is that a "triathlete who is my coworker"?) I needed to try get some sympathy from somewhere, given that all I get is laughter from The Husband whenever he so much as thinks about it.
31 days, 31 posts - starting today. You excited?