Th-Th-Th-Th-That's All Folks!

 Thursday, March 31, 2011

Phew - we made it! As threatened promised, 31 posts in 31 days!

Did you have fun? I know I did!

Fun it was, but also tough sometimes. I've often wondered if I'm cut out for scheduled writing like this, so it was enlightening to actually give it a try. And I learned some things:

1. Doing anything every single day is hard. Except maybe sleeping and eating I guess. Anything else - anything optional - gets a bit tougher. Especially when your husband leaves town for 1/3 of the month and you're suddenly adding Husband/Dad duties to your regularly scheduled programming.

2. Writing on demand is difficult. I'll admit that I winced more than once at some of the posts I put up. It was definitely quantity over quality a lot of the time. I have a lot of respect for people who do this full-time and make it seem so easy.

3. I do not want to be a writer. I get asked now and again (given my background), so when are you writing your first novel? The answer is "never." Sure, I dream of being a NYT bestselling author, saying "thanks but no thanks" to Oprah, and going on book tours (if only so that it's finally my turn to do some business travel and let someone else figure out how to work full-time and single parent full-time). But the road between my little Internets corner and the Giller prize is loooooong. And dependent on a ton of luck. And so, so, so much hard work. I am way too lazy to write anything longer than the odd blog post in my spare time, and way too anxious to have a solitary full-time job like "writer."

All that said, I'm definitely not going to give up on PGT. Things won't stay quite at this pace, but I'm going to try not to have single-post months anymore. Plus, we've got the whole house move coming up - I'll have lots of content! So keep checking, and thanks for the lovely comments this past month!


Marilyn P March 31, 2011 at 9:48 AM  

It HAS been fun to hear from you every day, but I sure understand. So, happy parenting, packing and all the rest, and I'll look forward to checking in once in a while. (Happy birthday to The Girl, so glad I got to see all of you recently!)

Margaret April 3, 2011 at 4:37 PM  

I miss you already.......

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