When *I* Was Your Age
Sunday, March 27, 2011
On the way to church today we were discussing my deprived childhood. How I was a home-for-lunch kid and so it was a huge deal for me to stay for lunch. With my Smurfette lunchkit.
And then how we had no on-demand Netflix, no videos delivered to our mailbox, and no cable. The kids sat there in disbelief as I described one hour of kids' programming after school plus Saturday morning and then That's. It.
Then I drove the whole thing home with, "yeah, and we didn't even have a computer until I got to high school. Before that, only fancy people had them and, besides, you couldn't really even do anything with them."
They were pretty stunned.
And, what a coincidence, today is Re-enact Mom's Childhood Day!
Not so much by their choice. More because one of them has turned her brain to mush playing computer games all weekend and the other one is taking an enforced break from screentime after I had to Google "how to remove dried-on grapes from a plasma TV screen" yesterday.
(Answer: with distilled water, old lint-free T-shirts, and two hours of gentle wiping.)
So they've been non-electronic kids today:
Homemade drums.
Pretending to be worms.
Making a fort.
Braiding a bracelet.
Making a gods and goddesses necklace.
Unfortunately, the camera cannot capture the yelling and fighting and crying and cries of "get outside right now, you guys! I can't take it anymore!"
Which I don't so much remember my mom doing. But I'll bet she did.
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