Saddle Up, Everyone!

 Tuesday, March 1, 2011

31 days, 31 posts - starting today. You excited?

I'm excited about my new template. It is all spring-y and happ-y and bike-y. In fact, that header pic looks just like my bike.

(I'd like to say the girl in the header looks just like me, but she's got that jaunty scarf thing going on. Try as I might, I am neither jaunt-y nor scarf-y. I do have those shoes, though.)

So what's the plan for the next month? Well, I promise you one thing: no more complaining about the weather. I am rising above my obsessive checking of the forecast, my friends. I am walking blithely down the street, oblivious to the five-foot drifts and the wind that tries (and fails, bwa ha ha) to cut through my North Face.

I'm also going to try for more pictures to liven this place up. I haven't figured out the camera thingamajigger on my fancy new phone yet, so it might be a few days. I did figure out today that simply selecting the unknown number from Tacoma, Washington that called me (why? who do I know in Tacoma, Washington?) actually places a return call rather than just showing more details.

(Five bucks says I'm the only person who has to carry a pay-as-you-go circa 2005 flip phone along with her iPhone just so that she can actually make and receive calls.)

And perhaps we'll see the return of our annual spring-is-in-the-air-and-the-sap-that-is-my-brain-juice-is-running-again feature, Vendredi V. Because who doesn't love Top 5 lists?

So, onwards and upwards, friends. The Husband thinks that a post every day is too much. I retorted that no one actually has to read them all.

Read what you like. Here's hoping you like what you read.


Marilyn P March 2, 2011 at 8:20 PM  

Welcome back ... I look forward to 'the ride'.

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