Thursday, March 24, 2011
You know what's more difficult than keeping a promise to blog every day for a month?
Keeping a promise to not complain about the weather.
Case in point - my backyard two days ago: Same backyard, 24 hours later:
But I promised, no complaining. Instead, how about a timeline of my day yesterday?
Commence documentary mode.
8:00 am - Leave house immediately after getting kids on bus. Since need to be home in time for bus drop-off, decide to take car to transit station. It's a bit snowy, but bus comes at 8:26 and it usually takes 10 minutes to get there, so have lots of time.
8:26 am - Barely one mile from home, travelling 10 mph down the interstate. Oh well, missed the first bus, but there's another one ten minutes later.
8:45 am - Finally make it to the transit station just in time to see second bus leave.
9:10 am - Third bus still hasn't arrived; overhear other waiting passengers comment that buses are running 1/2 hour late. Look at slow-moving traffic on interstate and realize that even if third bus arrives immediately, attendance at 10 am meeting is unlikely.
9:15 am - Attempt to leave transit station parking lot to get home. Stop to try to help push out lady driving what is essentially a Hot Wheels car with shiny no-grip tires. Try to explain what it means to "rock" a stuck vehicle and point out as gently as possible that pressing the gas pedal all the way down like that simply creates a personal skating rink.
9:17 am - Abandon Good Samaritan duties because a) wearing Slippery-Bottomed-Boots-of-Death, b) not heavy enough to get any momentum for pushing, and c) there's no way that car is getting out of there until tomorrow.
10:04 am - Back home two hours after I left, just in time to call in late for meeting.
10:15 am - Phone rings. The Husband's flight home is cancelled. Commence trying to get ahold of hapless air traveller.
12:30 pm - Finally reach husband. Inform him that the evening's
1:30-4:30 pm - Husband works airline magic and manages to beg his way onto two flights home.
6:30 pm - Husband en route home. Luggage is not.
See? No complaining. All very orderly and factual.
Love it! (the daily posts ... trying not to complain ... the Husband's efforts to make it home, for 'whatever' ...) But now I have to go plant the primroses I bought for my front planter :-)
You Vancouverites. Always mocking us with your March flowers.
Oh yeah?
I'll see your primroses and I'll raise you Netflix.
(Nothing beats that red envelope in the mailbox.)
I know, we have that reputation, don't we. If it makes you feel better, I didn't have to water my new plants since the weatherman is promising at least the next five days of rain. So my book and a cup of tea is looking good again.
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