Can This At Least Be Close to the End of the Before?

 Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sometimes things get a wee bit daunting in the PM world - so much so that I need to whip out the ol' Pollyanna "Glad Game":

- I'm GLAD that Dave the Exterminator loves his job so much. He did a whizz-bang job on the carpenter ants in the attic (and every tree on the property).

- I'm GLAD that my parents dropped by en route from Fargo, even though they saw us at our worst, since my dad spotted the sewer backup as it was happening and we were able to discontinue every activity involving water and avoid any mess in the basement.

- I'm GLAD that the bagel place down the street opens at 6:00 am. And that the bathrooms are conveniently located by the back entrance.

- I'm GLAD that we discovered the plugged (collapsed? We'll find out tomorrow) main sewer line was discovered in summer. Everything repair-related always sucks so much more in winter.

- I'm GLAD that we're in a hotel this weekend. There's a heat wave, and our new house lacks both air conditioning and a pool, both of which we are enjoying very much. (Also: Onsite laundromat. It won't be "PM is wearing a bathrobe to work" day tomorrow!")

- I'm GLAD that school is still on for one more week, even though we have to figure out homework and end of year parties and plays and field day-specific coloured shirts. A school lunch program coincides nicely with a lack of a working kitchen.

- I'm GLAD I found out yesterday about today's birthday party for The Boy's friend (since The Boy intercepted the invite weeks ago and hid t to get even with me for something...ah 8-year-old logic). It meant an emergency present purchase and I found a book I've been waiting for just came out in paperback.

Phew, lots to be GLAD about!

Anne Lamott says that if you can throw money at a problem, then it isn't a problem. I believe this.

Yes, I am in a hotel. But you know where I am not? Libya. Japan. The hospital (God forbid - children's wing). Divorce court. A funeral home.

Nope, me and my A/C (and FLUSHABLE toilets!) are doing just fine.

(But I'll still be gladder when we get to the After stage for real.)


Marilyn P June 5, 2011 at 3:41 PM  

Wow, SO much to be glad about ... good reminder! Especially while I'm still in the getting rid of and packing stage. Looking forward to the After with you.

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