Coming In Off the Ledge

 Friday, March 6, 2009

Well, 24 hours, some Chipotle, some Internet lovin' (thanks guys), and some sage words of wisdom from my coworker who has grown kids and has BTDT when it comes to all of my parenting problems and I'm feeling a whole lot better about yesterday. As much as it sucks to watch your kids getting hurt, it's pretty much part of the job description of a parent.

I often find myself wishing I could take the punches for her. But half of the reason why I want to do that is because it would be much easier for me since I know stuff like that doesn't matter. And why do I know that? Because I had to learn it for myself from experience. Sheltering kids seems like a grand idea at the time, but then they become adults and don't know how to deal with conflict when the consequences are much more serious.

So, on to tonight's personal battle: dealing with the bittersweetness that is The Girl's First Sleepover. For reals?! She is not even eight years old, and yet tonight we packed up her Barbie suitcase with jammies, a change of clothes, toothbrush and travel toothpaste (and Mom Teddy, natch), and I drove her four blocks away to the birthday girl's house.

Craziness. I'm fully prepared for a midnight call to go get her, but you never know...she's often more independent than her ol' momma, who had to be picked up from Shannon R's house because I couldn't handle listening to devil light rock music before going to bed since our stereo at home was set exclusively to the "All Gaither, All the Time" channel.

Oh, and I think I may have seen the girl to whom I gave the EE yesterday coming to this same party. And, looking back with a day's worth of objectivity, I am not entirely certain that the recipient of my visual wrath was indeed the actual offender - she may have just been a henchgirl. Soooo, it's somewhat possible I may have scarred an innocent (does guilt by association count? Cuz she should know better than to hang around kids who say mean things).

(Mental picture... First Sleepover ruined by "Hey The Girl, did you know your mom gave Michaela Marie the EE yesterday. Nyah, nyah, now we're not gonna play with you ever again and we're going to make fun of you forever until you become The Bad Kid in class because you're desperate for any attention - even negative - and your grades fall and then you turn to drugs and alcohol and inappropriate relationships with boys all because your mom went all Momma Bear on the wrong kid.)

Sigh. I'm so glad they don't require some sort of passing grade on an entrance exam to demonstrate fitness to become a parent (or at least the absence of substantial neuroses). I'm not entirely certain I would pass said exam.


Anonymous,  March 6, 2009 at 11:12 PM  

Glad to hear that today's a better day! First sleepover *sigh*...for me, that would be at your place. Some highlights of sleepovers with you are poring over Modern Bride magazines (for hours!), making toffee from our Jr High recipe book (so grown up!), and finding out that you ate tomato sandwiches (with mayo AND mustard...btw, thanks for that tasty treat!) for breakfast.
Hope your Girl is creating many fond memories tonight!

Anonymous,  March 7, 2009 at 12:49 PM  

I was thinking of you and the Girl last night as I was unable to sleep (please, I never sleep). And I was thinking about how I felt when I was a kid, and I realized that all I wanted was for my mom to tell me that what those kids were doing was wrong. That it was just wrong to treat people that way, period. I didn't want excessive praise or claims of "You're the prettiest girl in the WORLD!" and I certainly didn't want her to go and stir anything up on my behalf.

I just wanted to know that those kids didn't have justification for treating me like garbage. And I don't remember ever being told that.

I do, however, remember a half hearted attempt at the old "Oh, they're just bugging you because they LIKE you" line. And I do not recommend that line.

Anyway, I think the Girl will be just fine. Because, like I said, she's got you.


peitricia mae March 7, 2009 at 1:40 PM  

Ha - I'd forgotten about planning our weddings. And now I'm hungry for a tomato sandwich.

Jane, you're so right. The first step is to validate the pain and to declare it undeserved. Kids invariably assume they did something to merit the treatment they receive, and it doesn't help to slap on exterior compliments if they're questioning the worth of the interior foundation.

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