This 'n' That

 Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Is it okay if I don't talk about the funeral? It was sad...and good...and hard. I'm just not up to blogging about it. But I will say that my opinion about double funeral plots has changed. I used to think it was macabre - going to visit the grave of one's spouse and being gruesomely reminded of where one (or, at least, one's body) will eventually end up. Now I think it must be very comforting to have such a visual reminder that this, too, shall pass.

I'm pretty much considering this week "recovery week." Being in Canada two weekends in a row was fairly stressful in terms of the home front, and I just got the fantastic treat at work of an ongoing, time-sensitive (i.e. daily *and* weekly *and* monthly deadlines) project that is voraciously eating up the time I used to spend working on - and worrying about - my other projects. There's the move looming and I have yet to pack a box (or call a moving company, for that matter). Basically I find myself in need of a personal assistant but with no Pepper Potts in sight, so I've decided to simply give up.

It does help that my children are not on the premises. They are on a week-long field trip with The Husband's parents, so we are going out every night in an effort to make up for 10 months' worth of sporadic and under-developed childcare. Last night was Tejas and Iron Man...mmm...and I mean Robert Downey Jr., not the guacamole. Tonight we're going to try an Indian place that looks awesome and then maybe trundle our curry-filled bellies over to see another movie.

Finally, to make you smile:


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