Joining the Dark Side

 Wednesday, January 30, 2008

So today's post isn't earth-shattering or world-peace-promoting or anything like that, but it is about something that's been on my mind lately. Or, more accurately, on my legs.

I'm talking about jeans at work. And whether or not I should partake.

At my old job, blue jeans were verboten except twice a year when we were able to purchase for a twoonie little stickers that said "I'm Dressed this Way for United Way" as part of our semi-annual charity drives. (I always wondered whether the definition of "this way" could be extended to anything else. Swimsuits, perhaps. Or ballgowns.)

Now, we were allowed to wear black jeans (which I never did, given that they usually fade to "bought-these-in-the-eighties" status after the first washing) or blue denim skirts, but never could we marry the "blue denim" with the "jeans."

I can't say that I minded. I enjoy dressing up a bit for work. When I first started at the old job, I found it quite easy to cut a fairly fashionable figure. At the time, my stressed-out gaunt frame was well-proportioned to fit into those small sizes that invariably end up on the sale rack given their inappropriateness for normal-sized people, so a quick trip to Jacob and a fistful of dollars and I was good to go.

But my new place of employment is another matter. There we have an all-jeans-all-the-time policy, one that is widely embraced. At first, I told myself I'd restrict my denim-wearing to Fridays, just for a treat. Then it started to creep in on Mondays (post-weekend-easing-back-in, you know).

Now I'm just wondering if I should break down and buy a few more pairs of jeans and be done with it. No matter that I work downtown, where I and my coworkers stick out like a tank top on Portage and Main in -37 degree weather (sorry about that, by the way). Surrounded by smartly-dressed magazine-ready figures, I feel a bit out of place en route to my desk, although once there, the fashion standards ease.

But who knows - maybe if I'm more comfortable, I'll be a happier person. Which could go far towards the whole world peace thing.


Anonymous,  January 31, 2008 at 10:33 PM  

Hmmm...not sure what advice to give here, as I'm old and I subscribe to "dress for success", and "dress for the job you'd like to have". But, in this case, maybe it should be more like "when in Rome...."

I'd like to hear what women your own age would say.

Laurel February 1, 2008 at 7:29 AM  

I have always enjoyed the opportunity to wear suits to work and found casual days slightly stressful. I personally feel better when I'm not dressed like a schelp.

Having said that, if you've watched "What Not to Wear" recently, you'll see that Stacey and Clinton put together some very nice dressy outfits with jeans. It is possible to look professional in a pair of nice jeans.

Perhaps it's time to make use of your close proximity to Mall of America.

Anonymous,  February 2, 2008 at 6:00 PM  

Well, having walked the halls of GWL along with you and seen the horrors that lurk there, I can say that I definitely subscribe to the "dress for success" motto. I suppose most of my former co-workers believed they WERE dressing for success, but success in 1987... and I'll never forget the day a co-worker was all in a lather about having been sent home to change after she showed up at work in OVERALLS. Overalls are never acceptable if you're over the age of 3. Granted, that was back in my Claims Centre days, and those were dark days indeed.

peitricia mae February 2, 2008 at 8:49 PM  

See, I think that kind of proves my point - it's not actually jeans that are the problem per se. I submit that "1987 business casual" makes a far worse statement than a flattering, well-cut pair of dark denim jeans paired with a blazer (and a beaded camisole - just for you, Jane).

At the same time, I also admit that the people who consistently dress nicely at work convey an impression of caring about their work/selves etc. that the jeans/sweatshirt/sneakers crowd simply can't match.

Anonymous,  February 2, 2008 at 8:57 PM  

Dillon's response to this was "I'm surprised we even have to wear PANTS at work." And it's true. One memorable summer day, one of his co-workers showed up in swimming trunks as an excuse for shorts. Now THAT is casual.

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