Totally Saw This Coming, Part the Second
Saturday, December 20, 2008
This would be funny......if it weren't for the fact that I now owe the Canadian government a total of $2,000. Five days before Christmas.
Did I not call this? Down to the day, in fact.
Perhaps I can use my newly discovered psychic abilities to make some stock market wagers to raise the money to pay Scrooge Mr. Harper. Seeing as how the stock market's not volatile at all these days.
Merry Christmas, PM!!
P.S. And for the curious, yes, my prescient abilities also included NOT spending any of the money - well, not much of it - that was sent my way, seeing as how I truly did see this coming, so the lion's share of it is sitting in the ol' SCU. It's not like we will now have to go and return all of The Girl and The Boy's Christmas presents.
But it's principle people - you don't give someone something, assure them that yes, it is indeed theirs, and then take it back.
Don't you miss Canada?
Oh no they didn't! I admire your self-restraint and wisdom, because I probably would have spent every cent even if I knew what was coming.
Hey - it happened at this house today! Thirty days ago Canada Revenue sent my hubby a note - blah blah blah, we checked your return, you owe us $2000 more sent it....guess what came in the mail today - another letter saying "oops, we made an error, here's your money back". !!! What is that? We now think this money will need to be saved in a shoebox somewhere cuz sooner or later...they might want it back. duh.
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