Holy Toot Smoke* Batman!

 Monday, December 15, 2008

It. Is. COLD. here!!

(And yes, I know, many of you have been dealing with Winnipeg-in-the-basement temperatures for the last week. But before you start pelting me with frozen tomatoes, please remember that yesterday started off at 3 degrees above and rain before plummeting almost 20 degrees over about 8 hours. Can we get some compassion for the soft Minnesotans?)

People bundled up today like I haven't seen in ages. Of course, there are always those who are too cool for school, who remind me of those Manitoban idiots stalwarts who stand waiting for the bus wearing only a light jacket and no hat or mitts, trying to look nonchalant in -30 degrees with a windchill of -145 million. But, for the most part, everyone around here looks like Nanook of the North.

I, of course, pulled out The Parka, that fabled purveyor of warmth, and so fared quite fine. I did elect to take the bus today instead of my car; there's no plug-ins down here. Which is insane.

Alas, my house fares not quite so well. I can only assume that our house was designed and built by someone from California during a period when gas cost about a penny for a day's supply. How else can I explain the fact that we have no insulation in the outside walls. Yes, you read that right, and no, that is not hyperbole. There is NO insulation in our walls. I suspect we will personally be supplying bonuses to several Centerpoint Energy executives this upcoming season.

But we're back into the minus teens tomorrow, so here's hoping this was just a brief dip. I can't quite say the same for the 'Peg. Please have snow and mistletoe, indeed. Not gonna be a very warm welcome for our Christmas trip home.

* The other night, The Boy's hair smelled a bit funky, so I asked, "did you wash your hair with shampoo tonight?" To which he replied, "why? Does it smell like toot smoke?" And so another term for flatulence was born, which unfortunately has been running through my head at the most inappropriate moments all week. It does seem rather appropriate for a cold weather post, though, given that it's cold enough to be able to see your farts as well as your breath.


Anonymous,  December 15, 2008 at 9:22 PM  

I don't know when Dad and I laughed so hard in a long time! This post was a winner!

Margaret December 15, 2008 at 11:13 PM  

I'm with your mom - that was just too funny! Us "icelanders" needed some humour today. Thanks.

(just don't think "toot smoke" is something that gave birth to the phrase "out of the mouths of babes")

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