It's Worth the Trip
Monday, December 29, 2008
Aaand, we're back home. Amazing how quickly those trips to Canada fly by. One second we're all cheering because we've crossed the border onto Canadian soil, the next we're waiting in line for an hour to get back into the States.
As always, a good trip. So good, in fact, that I spent part of our drive home (the part where I wasn't cleaning up barf - here's hoping it was just some rich food The Boy ate and not the stomach flu) musing about all the things I love about The Automobile City.
Top 5 Things I Love About Steinbach:
1. Friends with nicknames. Barnacle Barb, Floral Fern, Tjelah, Rocky, Schellenboink...all names born from younger, much sillier times. I've certainly made friends since those days, but none which come with the resonances of 25 (or even 30, in some cases) years' worth of memories.
2. Pic'n'Pay Shoes. Once again, the 25% off storewide Boxing Week sale was kind to me. How is it that a tiny little store in southeast Manitoba can consistently carry such great shoes? And where else can you buy Skechers, Sorels and Naot from someone who's known you since you were a kid?
3. Never-Say-Die Entrepreneurial Spirit. Whether it's Dutch Connection > Grapes Grill > Stone Creek Grill or Hamdog > Kickers Chill'n'Grill > Roadhouse 52 > Directions, nothing says "I bet I can make a go of it" to a native Steinbacher like a For Lease sign. Seriously, though - sushi in Steinbach? Now that's optimism.
4. The "Why is Left of Centre Such a Difficult Concept" corner by Clearspring Mall. An endless source of amusement, that one. How many years have people been cutting one another off now?
5. Full-Service Car Washes. And I do mean FULL service - apparently you can wash pretty much any type of passenger-carrying vehicle. Behold, the glorious sight which awaited us at Super Splash:

Oh, THAT kind of "FULL SERVICE"... I got it. So it's not like they do your running for you or anything...
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