Out-of-Office Replies Are On

 Saturday, January 30, 2010

A doozy of a week, I'm afraid - sorry. Church band practice, guitar lessons (yeah, I'm awesome - I already know how to play a G chord, heh), teaching ESL, kids swimming, groceries, laundry, late work schedule, blah blah blah- all the usual stuff but still when it comes all at once, it gets tough to sit down at the ol' computer.

However, all will be forgotten once I get on that plane tomorrow. We're off to Florida with The Husband's family! A full week of M-O-U-S-E-ing. I'm very militant about my work responsibilities and housework being caught up before I go on vacation, mostly because I hate coming home/back to work to a mess. So, today is cleanup day all around, and then I shall walk up that gangplank (is that what they're called when it's onto a plane?) with nary a care in the world.

See you all in a week!


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