And with a huge WHOOSH - South Dakota breathes a sigh of relief that the PM clan has left its once-hallowed borders.
We're on the final leg of the trip - South Dakota back to the Twin Cities via Steinbach. Not entirely on the way, but what's a 7-hour detour when it means dropping off the kids at Grandma's for two whole weeks?
So just a short pit stop in Manitoba before The Husband and I head for home. My plan for this afternoon is to clean out the car. Which, given that we took a teensy-tiny Jetta and stopped in five different places plus drove over thirty hours in it, will likely involve kerosene and a match.
And now: Vacation Picture Dump

Washing clothes like Ma did at the Laura Ingalls Wilder museum.

Walking around Sylvan Lake, trying to convince The Boy he did
not need to catch a minnow.

So deceptive - looks so calm, doesn't she?

Triumphant hikers up Harney Peak - a 4.5 hour round trip! (Thinking:
If anyone goes any closer to the edge, they will get a time-out AND lose their DS, I am totally serious.)
Checking out the paleontological dig at the Mammoth Site.

Mom Teddy for president.

This is the test tunnel at Jewel Cave to see if you are svelte enough to go on the spelunker's tour. It is 8.5 inches high. The Husband is
not going on the tour.
Mom, are Jackalopes real? Only at Wall Drug, dear.

Bringing her jackalope for a visit to her natural habitat in the Badlands.

My best part of the entire trip: Cracker Barrel. I love Cracker Barrel with my whole heart. (I look a little bit crusty because it is the last day and while my mouth is saying,
ooooo, fried apples and hashbrown casserole, my eyes and furrowed brow are saying,
another picture?)
My favorite picture is the one of Mom Teddy at Mount Rushmore. How perfect is that? Glad to hear you had a great time on your trip.
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