The Smell of Spring in the Air...
Saturday, April 5, 2008
What an unbelievably gorgeous day. Truly. It is still 18 degrees (Celsius!) and the sun has already gone down. The kids were running around in shorts and t-shirts today, and at one point were even doing the swimsuits and waterguns thing.
I suspect this is a one-off, though. The forecast calls for showers and even some possible snow later this week, so it's a good thing we made the most of it. We said goodbye to The Husband's parents, who were kind enough to come to our house this week to spend our kids' spring break with them (thus keeping our daycare bill nice and low this month). I went for a fabulous walk by the lake; felt a bit odd being in a t-shirt while walking beside the still-frozen lake, but I'm not complaining.
Then a walk/bike to the library. Well, more like "walk/run-while-swearing-under-one's-breath-and-pushing-a-complaining-girl-on-a-bike." For her birthday, The Girl received a brand new bike and we're trying to teach her to ride it. The trip to and from the library sent us all soaring past our upward limits of frustration, so we'll wait until at least tomorrow to try again.
(She actually called The Husband "a bad man" for his part in the debacle. So much for all those Hallmark commercials where the father lets go and proudly watches his daughter go sailing away shrieking, "I'm doing it! I'm doing it!")
And to add to the day's freshness, The Boy decided to spray some Febreeze on himself. Well. With his oh-so-sensitive skin, he immediately ended up with huge welts/hives behind his knees and was ushered sobbing into the shower. Not content with one allergic reaction, he handled his Febreezed clothes and then rubbed his eye; nine hours later, his eye is almost back to being unswollen.
Ah well. At least it smells lovely around here - both inside and out.
I am laughing WITH both of your children today. Imagining both of them in the situations you described has brought a smile to my face more than once.
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