Vendredi V - Harriet the Spy Edition

 Friday, April 4, 2008

I love people-watching. Always have. I remember my dad busting me at the air show for not watching the planes; everyone else's necks were craned towards the sky while I was much more intrigued by the horizontal view.

What I see is often a tad unsettling. In fact, there have been a number of things lately that have been the cause of some discreet head-shaking. I give you:

Top Five Things Observed in the Downtown Skyways that Befuddle Me:

1. Ugg boots. They look like what they are - made by New Zealand sheep shearers for New Zealand sheep shearers. I was mildly annoyed when they first came on the scene; a few years later, observing their unabated presence, I'm simply mystified.

2. Venti-no-fat-soy-double-strong-extra-hot-frothy-whirly-gig designer drinks in the morning. For an afternoon treat, I can see it. But at 8:00 am?! That's straight-up black coffee time, folks.

3. Bluetooth headsets. Is the pace of modern life so hectic, and the strain of mere existence so burdensome, that you can neither dispense with your cell phone for a quick walk from the car to the office nor actually summon the required strength to hold a cell phone to your ear in order to place that all-important call? I keep worrying about all the people walking around holding earnest conversations with themselves complete with hand gestures.

4. Groups of people walking slowly. The number of people walking is, mysteriously, inversely proportional to the speed at which said group will saunter. And, the larger the cluster, the more right they seem to feel they have to spread out across the entire walkway. Usually while clutching their frothy coffee drinks. Since when does might equal right?

5. A Scot wearing full national costume - including the kilt - on St. Patrick's Day. Okay, so I only saw this the one time. But it was pretty stunning, nonetheless.


Anonymous,  April 4, 2008 at 8:21 PM  

Yes, I would like to know why Ugg boots aren't going anywhere. It's maddening.

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