If Variety Is the Spice of Life, Make Mine Bland

 Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My love for the "same-old, same-old" (which abbreviates, quite appropriately, to "SO-SO") is well-documented here, I think. Until today, I always thought I was just a stick-in-the-mud with mild obsessive compulsive tendencies who had an affinity for a place for everything and everything in its place.

It appears my quest for predictability has deeper roots:


Apparently, researchers have confirmed what I've long suspected - too much choice is hard on one's brain.

Fortunately for the few brain cells I have left, I've discovered a number of ways to reduce excessive levels of choice in my life. I make one pot of soup on Sunday nights and - voila! - lunch for an entire week. We have tacos every Friday night and - presto! - one less meal to have to plan each week. I stay out of shopping malls entirely, and so never have to worry about choosing between the latest fashions. I am a vegetarian, and thus reduce the number of viable options on most restaurant menus to three.

Oscar Wilde said that "consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative." I suspect the opposite is true: those of us who strip our lives of variety, who cling stubbornly to "the way we've always done it," and who fear change (no matter what good it promises) are those who actually *create* and *nourish* headspace for real workings of imagination that are much more fantastical than deciding on which flavour of ice cream to choose at Cold Stone Creamery.

All hail the Mighty Mundane!


Anonymous,  April 15, 2008 at 10:42 PM  

I totally agree! My lunch every day at work is cheese and crackers, veggies, yogurt and an orange. My soup of the week provides one meal a day for Dad, and sometimes two if I don't cook for supper. I grocery shop on Friday on the way home from work and usually bring A&W burgers home that day. Life is so much easier when routine things require no planning.

Lisa April 16, 2008 at 3:19 PM  

hey there!!
I totally lost the blog address and the girls upstairs just gave it too me again. I am happy things are good on your end. I am back at GWL:( mat leave went too fast but slow....

Anonymous,  April 16, 2008 at 9:22 PM  

I wanna go live with Mom P...

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