Tween Fashion

 Thursday, March 1, 2012

I've heard other parents of girls on the edge of adolescence complain about the scarcity of fun yet modest clothing. Their girls are 11 going on 18, they lament, and all that's available is too tight, too low, too high, and just downright too much (or too little).

We haven't hit this yet at our house. The Girl's standard uniform is a pair of yoga pants and one of the freebie workout shirts that The Husband and I have acquired at various races. The brighter the shirt the better; she's got a lemon yellow one that you can see from the space station (and declares that she ran the 1-mile race in 2010).

But I haven't done laundry for awhile, so we were desperately low on soft pants and eye-assaulting tees today.

So she came down the stairs in this:

"Dad? Does this make me look Amish?"


"Oh well."

And off she went to the school bus.


Owl Things First March 23, 2012 at 10:12 PM  

I just stumbled onto your blog! I must say I love the outfit. I do have a teen who loves "fashion" and one who loves chemistry! Luckily the one who loves fashion also has to wear dress-code! My 17 and 20 year old STILL love Pokemon...You may be running with that thing for awhile!

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