Snow Day!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Well, ish.
"Ish" in terms of the snow. It definitely looks like a winter wonderland out there.
And it's "ish" in terms of the day, too. The kids' school is starting two hours late due to the weather. Tell me - how is that helpful? Parents still have to juggle and figure out what to do with their kids. There's no point in going to work if the school bus only comes at 10. Why not just call it so I can send them downstairs to watch TV all day and make their brains as sloppy as the snow?
Fortunately, I was late for work today so was still home in time to get the call. And, even more fortunately, my job can be done equally well from my kitchen table as from my cubicle, so I can throw the kids on the bus and get cracking.
(Working from home also allows for elastic waist pants, huzzah!)
Happy Leap Day, everyone!
(And Happy Birthday Frederic, you poor wand'ring one! Here's to another four years off your pirate contract!)
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