Kids, Closings, and Crafts
Monday, April 11, 2011
Phew - busy times Chez PM!
Our house made up for being one member short lately by adding a few occupants this past weekend with a visit from The Husband's parents. I'm always impressed by grandparents who can play Wii (since I'm pretty much restricted to the remakes of old-school games like Dr. Mario and Legend of Zelda where you can hold the controller like in the good ol' days - none of this fancy wrist action required).
(I'm also always impressed by grandparents who let parents escape for an evening out while they wrangle the littlekins.)
With the last of our visitors to this location of Hotel PM checked out, we're now turning our thoughts to a short appointment at the end of this month labelled "Closing" on the calendar. We've got a possession date! Well, we've actually had it for awhile, but I guess I was waiting for the paperwork to complete before I did more than mentally pencil it in.
(Which is a good thing the last of it came through today, I guess, since we are officially homeless as of June 1, when this house has been rented to someone else. Perfect timing - it gives us a one-month overlap to do a bit of painting and getting ready on the other end plus enough time to give our current abode the ol' once-over before we finally hand back the keys.)
Now that it's really for real (as opposed to the "kind of for real" imaginary state that only I seemed to be labouring under, everyone else assuming that a signed purchase order and preapproval might actually mean it could happen), I suppose I'd better start getting out the boxes and filling them in earnest.
Finally, a treat for your patience with lacklustre posting:
(Hint: It wasn't me.)
Wow, tell The Husband I am proud of him! Those skills could come in handy in decorating your new home...have fun!
I can't really tell by the photo if the cushion is wiener style or is it an actual cylinder?
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