Celebrating the Season

 Wednesday, April 6, 2011



It's Spring!

After flirting with us for a couple of weeks, only to slip coyly back behind late-season blizzards and frosty mornings, Spring has finally arrived in Minnesota. And none too soon!

And today made me think - you know those -40 days? The ones where the wind is howling and the snow is blowing and the ice pellets are cutting and you simply can't get warm? Where you huddle in your blanket and try to warm your hands around a cup of tea and think, man, a few months ago I was complaining about +30 degrees.

And then how you think, why didn't I appreciate the warmth when I had it?

Well, this year, I'm determined to appreciate it. I want to spend every possible minute outside. I want to soak up the sun. I want to breathe the spring air deep down into my lungs. I do not want to squander any above-freezing day by sitting inside.

So, tonight, I took myself on a date. The kids were at their weekly church clubs and The Husband is travelling. Did I use my "me-time" to pack boxes? Organize? Declutter? Wash the dishes? Nope. (Shocking, I know. Those tend to be my go-to time sucks.)

Nope, I took myself for a walk around the lake. It was GLOH-REEE-USSSS! Never mind that I was wearing flat-soled unsuitable shoes with wool socks. Never mind that I had to totally book it so I could get home in time for the kids to be dropped off.

The walking trail is totally clear of snow! There are patches of lake showing through the ice! And there are smiling, happy people, loving it all up just like me!

So here's to the first of many outside evenings - and to the willpower to trade in packing tape for (hopefully more sensible next time) walking shoes.

Now, if you'll excuse me, off for a long shower. I have to machete my way through a thick forest shave my winter-neglected legs so I can wear bare knees tomorrow underneath my skirt!


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