No More Teachers, No More Books
Monday, June 14, 2010
Well, books that are school-required, anyway.
No more 15 minutes of reading every night plus various math sheets plus timed recitation of French powerpoint presentation plus listening to CDs and matching the magnets plus cutting/sorting/writing/alphabetizing/illustrating vocabulary.
Makes me a little misty-eyed, actually.
We got the whole homework thing under control relatively quickly back in September (if not without lots of tears [them] and rampages [me]), but it was nonetheless a loooong year of printable weekly checklists and reminders about getting everything done.
But school's out now, and it's amazing how free and easy that post-work-pre-supper time feels.
In other news, I have reaffirmed (as if it were in doubt) that I'm simply not SAHM material. I'm home with the kids from today through Wednesday and thus far it's been...challenging. Totally not their fault - it's entirely my issue that I planned about eighteen days' worth of (solo) activities and that I somehow slept in past optimal coffee consumption time (which always leads to a day-long headache if I don't get the caffeine into the bloodstream by 8 am) and that I only realized in horror this afternoon that we I forgot entirely about the neighbour girl's birthday party this past Saturday.
So, a few yelling matches, dire warnings about what will happen if they don't start going through their stuffies (one of this week's organizational projects), a trip to Barnes and Noble and a shame-faced delivery of a birthday present next door later, and it would appear we've started off this summer holidays with a BANG!
Sigh. Only 60 hours until their summer program starts. Pray that we all make it.
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