History Lessons
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
It's end of the school year, and you know what that means - Presentations and Spirit Week.
Today was a double whammy, and I got both:Today's dress-up theme was "Past and Future," so The Girl elected to wear her Native American costume. And apply her very own face paint.
(We're growing out her bangs, as you can see. I tried to get her to pin them back, but I was informed, "Mom, Native Americans didn't have hair clips." I feel as though they might have, but didn't really have a leg to stand on, so here we are.)
The presentation du jour was for English class. They've been studying national monuments, so I actually learned a lot. Did you know the White House has 32 bathrooms?
The Girl's topic was the Lincoln Memorial. And, just for you, captured in all its loveliness:
Never fear, the CanCon's on its way. Next week is her Social Studies presentation. They're doing Our True North Strong and Free, and she managed to snag "Manitoba." Golden Boy, here we come!
Yay, Girl, great job!
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