You Take the Good, You Take the Bad
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Whew! It's busy these days over at the ol' Bringing-Home-the-Bacon Factory. Not as bad as last year, but it's definitely the high stress point of my annual work cycle.
In addition to the overtime, I had to skip my lunch-hour yoga class today. Again. Third week in a row. Kind of a dumb thing to do, I know, since I need it more these days than usual, but it's tough to downward dog your way to peace when you're thinking of the extra time you'll need to put in that night because you took an hour out for yoga. It's also kind of dumb since I pay a flat rate, so my cost per session is mounting, but at least I'm supporting my yoga teacher's biking trip to Costa Rica.
[Aside: This is not entirely unprecedented. In a feat of spectacularly poor scheduling, I once signed up for a $110 10-session ball-rolling class and was able to attend only the first class. I still have the cruddy old demonstration ball I received with promises that I could trade it in for my own personal fancy shiny one at the next class I attended. Given its cost-per-use ratio, that dang ball beats my fancy treadmill hands down as The Most Expensive Piece of Exercise Equipment I Own.]
Apparently my brain has room only for one thing at one time these days, too. I tried to use someone's business card for a bus ticket the other day. Then on Sunday night, I somehow set my alarm wonky so I ended up getting up at 4:50 am instead of 5:50 am (on Monday morning, no less!) and only realized it when I was dressed and staring with confusion at the clock on the microwave.
[Seriously. That's TWO Daylight Saving spring-forwards for 2009. It is my most hated day of the year and I have to have TWO?!]
Things could be worse, though. I could be that guy whose car was on fire on the freeway shoulder this morning. Or one of the people in the Honda Accord I was following home today that had eight passengers in it. (I wouldn't have thought it possible myself, unless I had counted heads.)
Plus, I'm taking advantage of the beautiful day and biking down to the lake this evening where I'll meet a friend for a walk. (Biking! Walking! Lake! Friend-with-a-Minnesota-zip-code!]
And, super treat last night - I got to witness the birth of a praise band. Well, "band" is a bit generous. A girl from church invited interested folks to join her for a jam night, and the Peitricia Mae clan attended in full force. The Husband has been learning bass guitar in the hopes of just such an event, and did superbly (even sight-read!). I indulged in some alto, and The Boy played the bongos. He's not a huge lover of the actual beat, but does a fantastic job at filling in the empty space around it. The Girl was busy with crafts and presented each band member with a personalized paper box.
So all in all, I'd say we're looking at a slight net positive for the week. And we haven't even hit Chipotle on Friday yet!
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