If You're Going My Way...I Wanna Drive It All Night Long

 Monday, June 22, 2009

Just lookit at what The Husband brought back for me from Canada!

Despite concerted and valiant efforts, I have yet to find decent substitutes for Fort Garry Dark and Sleeman Honey Brown down here. We can get close, but not quite. And we've yet to source Australian cookies here and thus must depend upon trips to The Real Canadian Superstore for TimTams. So seeing these boxes come through the door last night totally made my weekend.

Speaking of weekend, The Husband has elected not to guest post, so it's up to me to give you the Weekend Update on the road trip. By all accounts, it went well:

DVD player? Check. Movies from the library? Check.

Fuel-up stops by strangely-named gas stations? Check. (The Husband and I keep a running tally of these weird business names. Loaf'n'Jug is still the winner, but Kum'n'Go is a pretty close second.)

Chillin' at the Steinbach Summer in the City Festival? Check.

MEETING TOM COCHRANE?! Check and double-check.

We've got some serious conn-eck-shuns that orchestrated a meeting between the rocker and the groupie. The Husband got home totally pumped. There was chatting. There was a CD signing (signed "Your friend, Tom Cochrane." That's right - your FRIEND).

Aaaand, The Husband got to request a song, and apparently his choice was the final song of the evening that was then dedicated to "[The Husband], who came all the way from Minneapolis."

It's like a Canadian version of Almost Famous. Except The Husband doesn't go on the road. Or meet Penny Lane. Or grow up to be Cameron Crowe. Otherwise - exactly the same.


Anonymous,  June 22, 2009 at 2:40 PM  

Aw, look how giddy he looks! It's like he hasn't even noticed that Tom's face seems to be made of plastic now...

And hey, you're Dillon's beer twin!

Mom P,  June 24, 2009 at 4:48 PM  

Gave the 'mother-in-law' version of this fabulous tale at lunch today. It's more fun every time I tell it. So glad The Husband had a great weekend!

Laurel June 26, 2009 at 4:29 PM  

Another proud moment for The Husband... being mentioned as the young man who travelled from Minneapolis on the front page of The Carillon. Life just doesn't get better than that.

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