
 Sunday, February 8, 2009

Ohhhhhh I love this quasi-Spring weather. Got my first walks around the lake of the year in this weekend. Sun's shining, snow's melting, cars are a-dirtying - it's great stuff. The locals are warning me that Winter's not over yet, but somehow it's hard to believe that when it's +3.

I also love me some Grandma and Grandpa action (the kids G&G, not mine). The Husband's parents were here for the weekend, and they do all those things I haaaate doing - playing dollhouse with The Girl, watching The Boy try to master the same video game level over and over and over.... Plus they let The Husband and me sneak out for a bit o' grownup time, so it's win-win for everyone!

(Am I a bad parent? I've hated playing on the floor with my kids since the get-go. I max out at about five minutes when it comes to make-believe and usually come armed with coffee and a book to Lego sessions. I worry that someday I'll get my kids' answering machines yet again filled with breezy yet unkept promises to call me back, and I'll look back and think, "oh, for five minutes with them as babies again...I'd play Little Critters in a heartbeat." And then that Cat's in the Cradle song will play in the background and my tear-filled eyes will reflect the pictures on the mantel of my grown-up Littles who never come to visit me because they are too busy....)

But I digress. And must return to the laundry. Because hey, if I don't play, at least I provide clean clothes for the week. That's got to be worth something.


Anonymous,  February 8, 2009 at 8:14 PM  

Oh, you are NOT the only one. If he's in the mood for books, I'll read to him for hours, but playing trucks for even 10 minutes feels like 3 days have passed.

The only thing worse is *gasp* playing outside. That's reserved exclusively for Daddy.

Laurel February 8, 2009 at 8:20 PM  

My worst is building towers of blocks. Exactly how many times can you build a tower and knock it down and STILL find it amusing? We have not hit Elijah's threshold yet.

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