He's a Keeper!
Friday, February 13, 2009
I wore my favourite shirt to work today.
Now, this is my favourite shirt in part because the semi-colon is my favourite piece of punctuation. But what makes it even favourite-er is that The Husband bought this shirt for me for Christmas.
Every time I put it on, I'm happy because I think, "I'm married to someone who knows that the semi-colon is my favourite piece of punctuation." That's some pretty amazing spousal knowlege right there, that is. And isn't being known what it's all about when it comes to relationships?
And, if this past Christmas was any indication, I am indeed known. Witness the other gifts I got:
Yes, they do. And they should make you cry, too.
Now some might consider a workout video under the Christmas tree to be the height of insults. But The Husband knows me so well that he knew how much it was bothering me to be using my bootleg evaluation copy of Mr. Horton's exercise DVD, and so he bought me my very own.
(What? you say. She certainly doesn't look as though she partakes in any sort of fat-burning system on a regular basis. True enough, "lazy" is still on my list of sins but thanks to The Husband I can cross "piracy" off of it.)
(What? you say. She certainly doesn't look as though she partakes in any sort of fat-burning system on a regular basis. True enough, "lazy" is still on my list of sins but thanks to The Husband I can cross "piracy" off of it.)
A gift (also from The Husband) from a Christmas past was an awesome bathrobe. Big, white, fluffy, large paperback-sized pockets - it was everything I wanted. Of course, that was 15 years ago (yes, it pre-dated our marriage). Eventually it was looking a little worse for the wear. Despite his pleading, I refused to turn it in for a new one. So what did he do? He went and bought me exactly the same one. Be still my heart.
And finally, what every vegetarian needs:
Yup, you've got a good man!
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