Did I Miss the Memo?
Thursday, August 21, 2008
While riding the bus on my morning commute (*GROAN* - I had to leave the house at 5:35 A-freaking-M to catch it), a young bearded man got on and pulled out Jonathan Safran Foer's Everything is Illuminated.
(That he was bearded is immaterial; it's just odd - full beards these days are usually the sole purchase of the unkempt, lacking in personal hygiene set - you don't usually see one on a well-groomed young man with a man purse satchel.)
Then, on the commute home, another young man (no beard, so different young man or same young man post-shave) pulled out...the same book! A book published six years ago, whose (admittedly not bad) movie version appeared three years ago.
Weird. But cool, too - it's a great book.
In other weird-but-also-cool news, the girl who sat beside me on the bus pulled out The Portrait of Dorian Grey today. (Is it "Grey" or "Gray" - I can never remember....) Now Oscar Wilde is always a good choice, but this one was...in French.
Totally made my day.
Wondering about the pic on your blog this morning - almost looks like your youngest bro....
Tee-hee - it *does* look a little bit like him (hi Chinkle!). It's actually a poster from the movie. It really is a good movie - if you can get past Elijah Wood's crazy eyes.
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