Call Off the Search!
Friday, August 8, 2008
I'm here, I'm here - you can call the dogs back. Sorry - been a little absent lately. And suddenly summer's almost over!
We had a fabulous time last weekend with some Canadian friends and their sweet little one. One of the saddest things about being away is missing watching all the young'uns in my life grow up - I can connect with their parents relatively well through email and the occasional visit, but those babies just grow way too quickly to keep up with them!
And so I lurve me some kid-lovin' pics like this:And now that our guests have left, I'm counting down the rest of summer by weeks - one week left of kids at daycare/one week to go until the move, one week after that of work, one week of holidays and then school starts. Yikes! I haven't packed a box or ordered a school uniform, so methinks it will get busier before it gets better.
Not much else to tell, I'm afraid. Tomorrow the kids are both invited to a birthday party so we're taking advantage of the time and going to see (finally!) The Dark Knight. The Husband's off on a three-day business trip next week, so we need to at least get started on some packing before he goes.
Sigh, this was so not an interesting post.
Good movie choice! But the "summer's almost over" is depressing me now... oh well, we look forward to getting to see y'all (hehe) in a few weeks!
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