Tethered Swimming
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Sorry for yet another delay in frequent posting! Feels a bit like I'm swimming against the tide these days with no real progress being made. (But staying in one spot is better than being swept away, yes?) Unfortunately, this will have to be just a quick update before I dive back in.
Work is settling back down to a low simmer for me. Well, more of a brisk bubbling, but at least it's not the rolling boil of the past few weeks. It's been a rough go for the ol' equilibrium, so I'm trying to be quite deliberate about copious amounts of self-soothing.
School is winding down for the kids which means the end-of-year activities are ramping up. Yesterday was the fashion show, today was the carnival, and tomorrow is...something, I'm sure. (Oh yes, my stellar parenting skills have taken a bit of a beating of late as well.)
Other things keeping me hopping are a phone call from the principal to discuss an "incident" with one of my children, an allergic reaction to a peanut butter cookie at our pastor's house tonight (resulting in a very barfed-upon couch and a fair amount of concern on our parts that this is not just an "aversion"), and that exciting annual event - The Move.
Yup, these nomads will be changing addresses yet again. I think this is the eighth move in as many years. It's a summer tradition! We broke the news to our current landlord tonight. He and I have gotten pretty tight over the past year (we dish about organic food, universal healthcare, Democrats, and how much we love this neighbourhood) and he is one of the many things I will miss deeply about this house.
Sigh. Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more!
Dillon and I were just discussing how much we loved your house. Here's to #8 being even better!
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