From Snow to Sand
Sunday, June 8, 2008
In all the craziness last week, I forgot to talk about the rather un-June-like weather we've been having lately. Last weekend was hot and sunny - until the wind blew in a freak hailstorm:
Then this past week has been "scattered thundershowers," which translates into "we have no idea what's going to happen, so we'll call for everything at once and be right *and* wrong all the time."
There was a severe weather warning on Thursday night and The Husband had to head to the basement at work with all his coworkers until the sirens stopped. I work in a downtown high-rise and we could hear the building creaking as it swayed in the gale-force wind all day Friday.
But we managed to dodge the weird weather this weekend and were able to head to a couple of beaches yesterday and today. The kids collected seaweed and built sandcastles and The Boy walked around happily clutching a dead fish until we figured out what was making him smile so much.
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